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Instance segmentation Mask R-CNN: API

The /invocations endpoint accepts Content-Type of: image/jpeg or image/png.

The response can be an image with the instance segmentation mask or a JSON object. This is controlled by the Accept header or the AWS Custom Attributes header.


Example image horse-guard.jpg:

Instance Segmentation Example

Using the boto3 python library to make a request and save the output to a file.

We use set the Accept header to image/jpeg so that the model returns a segmented image.

import boto3

client = boto3.client("sagemaker-runtime")
endpoint_name = "my-instance-segmentation"

# Read image
with open("horse-guard.jpg", "rb") as f:
    payload = bytearray(

# Make request
content_type = "image/jpeg"
accept_mime_type = "image/jpeg"

response = client.invoke_endpoint(

# Write segmented output image
with open("horse-guard.segmented.jpg", "wb") as f:

Instance Segmentation Example

Using the Custom-Attributes Header to control the output instead of the Accept header.

Note that Accept is used first.

import boto3

client = boto3.client("sagemaker-runtime")
endpoint_name = "my-instance-segmentation"

# Read image
with open("./validation/horse-guard.jpg", "rb") as f:
    payload = bytearray(

# Make request
content_type = "image/jpeg"
custom_attributes = '{"response_type": "json"}'

response = client.invoke_endpoint(

# Parse response
import json

        ["horse 100%", "person 99%", "person 99%", "person 99%", "person 98%", "person 93%", "person 92%", "frisbee 90%", "umbrella 89%", "person 53%"],
    "boxes": [
        [127.11386108398438, 247.31301879882812, 465.427978515625, 480.0],
        [254.72451782226562, 164.79159545898438, 335.8401184082031, 401.29840087890625],
        [0.9573012590408325, 279.462646484375, 75.12348175048828, 479.47015380859375],
        [49.450260162353516, 275.5840759277344, 79.73651123046875, 369.51434326171875],
        [114.95684051513672, 268.72479248046875, 149.48388671875, 397.9055480957031],
        [512.51806640625, 279.2389831542969, 561.9500732421875, 382.5887145996094],
        [560.3663330078125, 272.36761474609375, 598.057373046875, 356.83721923828125],
        [306.2652587890625, 147.22177124023438, 315.6444396972656, 168.5187225341797],
        [507.4710388183594, 267.3088684082031, 571.6740112304688, 296.2601623535156],
        [594.297607421875, 264.638427734375, 614.7077026367188, 345.806396484375]

Using the AWS CLI.

Text Only
aws sagemaker-runtime invoke-endpoint \
    --endpoint-name my-instance-segmentation \
    --accept application/json \
    --content-type image/jpeg \
    --body fileb://./horse-guard.jpg >(cat)

In cURL it will be like doing doing:

Text Only
curl -X POST "" \
  -H "Accept: application/json" \
  -H "Content-Type: image/jpeg" \
  --data-binary "@horse-guard.jpg"

Note that this command requires modification to authenticate the request using AWS Signature Version 4


The endpoint response is based on the Accept header of the request:

  1. image/jpeg: Segmented image in JPEG format
  2. image/png: Segmented image in PNG format
  3. application/json: JSON object with the metadata of the objects found

The JSON object has the following structure:

JSON response metadata
    "labels": ["<label 1> <probability>", "<label 2> probability", ...],
    "boxes": [
        [x1, y1, x2, y2],
        [x1, y2, x2, y2],

The coordinates pairs indicate a box from point (x1, y1) to (x2, y2). The (0, 0) point is the top left corner of the image.

Custom Attributes

The API uses the AWS Custom-Attributes header from SageMaker to control the parameters and output of the model.

This header should be JSON formatted string with the different values for the parameters.

Param Default Description
response_type "" (str) Response type. One of: jpeg, png, json. (Same as the Accept header).
Example Custom Attributes
X-Amzn-SageMaker-Custom-Attributes: {"response_type": "json"}

Postman Collection

We provide a Postman collection with an example requests here.